Main Partner profile: Jack Arts
We are delighted to welcome Jack Arts as a Main Partner for this year’s festival.
Jack Arts, are creative street advertising specialists, part of the BuildHollywood family.
Jack Arts love cities.
Not so much the corporate, controlled, concrete and glass metropolis but our social and diverse urban spaces – lively places where unexpected encounters await just around the next corner.
They place creativity in the heart of our cities, working with arts and culture clients and providing a platform for artists through their ongoing ‘Your Space Or Mine’ initiative.
Jack Arts work with clients, councils, charities and collaborators to inspire genuine connections within our communities. The street is a space where emerging talent can be recognised alongside the best fashion, music and culture releases.
Jack Arts said:
“We have worked with BDF over the past few years and are delighted to be partnering on This Creative City to support and showcase the exceptionally talented members of the Birmingham arts community and keep our streets vibrant and vitalising places to explore.”
Follow Jack Arts on instagram and Twitter
Or find out more at https://www.buildhollywood.co.uk/